Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Inspiring Quotes from Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's practice of non-violence has been a symbol of peace and an inspiration to many throughout the years.  Perhaps it is that peacefulness, his understanding that being still can be powerful, that continues to intrigue us. Maybe it is his insightful, timeless words with which we seek to define ourselves today or give our lives new meaning.  

I have often used Gandhi's quotes to meditate, focus on a task, foster understanding and compassion in others or, quite simply find peace.  I've compiled a list of my favorite quotes from Mahatma Gandhi.  May they help you find your peace.  Enjoy.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Change your Thoughts, Change your Life

The peacock is a symbol of renewal.  Regal and rich in color, the peacock walks at its own pace silently commanding attention of its admirers.  Focus on new thoughts to achieve your goals.  By changing your thoughts from poverty to prosperity, you reignite the energetic flow towards abundance.  You draw opulence towards you, much like the peacock attracts its fans.  Try it for a day, a week and see what happens.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Create Your World


op·u·lent [op-yuh-luhnt] adjective1.characterized by or exhibiting opulence: an opulent suite.2.wealthy, rich, or affluent.3.richly supplied; abundant or plentiful: opulent sunshine. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

What is abundance?


an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: anabundance of grain.
overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart.
affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance.
Physics, Chemistry the number of atoms of one isotope of anelement divided by the total number of atoms in a mixture ofthe isotopes.